Welcome, we are Kurt and Deanna Mangum II! A devoted husband and wife team sharing experiences that we've had to grow through and steps in our journey to living a more balanced and fulfilling life.
Have you ever wondered what you need to do to start physically feeling better? We learned from experiences starting in childhood just how important it is to understand the basics of physical health. Together we wanted to simp...
Have you ever wondered how mental health affects how you think, feel, and act? Kurt and Deanna share experiences from their childhood and ways they have overcome trauma. Learn tips and coping skills to overcome obstacles in y...
Join us as we celebrate Kurts big 30th birthday and ask him question about his journey so far.
Kurt and Deanna share their stories along with tools and tips that have improved their spiritual health! From daily prayers to their meditation routines and their favorite faith-filled applications to use! “He must increase, ...
Kurt and Deanna discuss race in American. The world is in an uproar over the murder of George Floyd by Minneapolis Police. They share national statistics, their personal encounters with racism, and ways you can help the black...
Kurt and Deanna discuss history about slave foods and habits that were passed down through generations. Get informed about staggering statistics and skyrocketing obesity rates. Learn a simple way you can start feeling better ...
Who takes charge of the finances in your household? This was a question we had to ask ourselves in our marriage. We talk about our stories with finances individually and how we had to have the awkward conversation about who i...
Kurt and Deanna discuss keeping the faith when finances are a barrier! We talk about three free resources that can help you with your finances, work, and faith!
Kurt and Deanna discuss the importance of mental health in 2020 and the added pressures of a global pandemic. Learn 3 Tips that will help you improve your mental health and start feeling better together!
Kurt and Deanna discuss the importance of physical health and ways to focus on your health when you’re uninsured. Learn 3 Tips that will help you start feeling better together!
Hear us talk about our struggles with suicidal thoughts, warning signs, and tips to help with suicide prevention.
We feel it’s our obligation to keep the conversation going about the racial disparities in America. #Sayhername because black women’s lives matter equally.
We share our perspective after celebrating four years of marriage. Check out 3 tips that will help you and your partner grow together!
We share our take on the 2020 Election and propositions we are excited to see passed. This historic year is giving us reasons to be hopeful about the future!
Love them or hate them, they are your family. Kurt & Deanna take a deep dive on tips that can help keep the family peace and your mental at peace this holiday season with 4 tips on dealing with difficult family members during...
We share three tips that we’ve learned working together as husband and wife. Working with your partner may not be easy, but we’ve tried and tested these tips so you don’t have to.
We share our response to the deadly Pro-Trump riot at the U.S. Capitol - “March to save America”. Get takeaways for the future to stay uplifted despite this unprecedented riot and learn about our hopes for the future.
We share our most successful tips for goal setting. Learn six tips that can help you create goals that will last!